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The Fish Lands: German trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroe Islands in the late 15th and 16th Century
Open Access Book Based on newly uncovered archival sources as well as archaeological studies, this book offers the first extensive overview of the German trade with the North Atlantic in English. It challenges assumptions about the backwardness of the German North Atlantic trade, and argues that merchants did not so much rely on an old model of trading, but were adapting their trading system to the special natural and socio-economic circumstances on the islands.
Gambling Debt: Iceland's Rise and Fall in the Global Economy
Open Access Book Gambling Debt is a game-changing contribution to the discussion of economic crises and neoliberal financial systems and strategies. Iceland’s 2008 financial collapse was the first case in a series of meltdowns, a warning of danger in the global order. This full-scale anthropology of financialization and the economic crisis broadly discusses this momentous bubble and burst and places it in theoretical, anthropological, and global historical context through descriptions of the…
Gambling Debt: Iceland's Rise and Fall in the Global Economy
Unknown Author, OAPEN, Date unknown
Open Access Book Gambling Debt is a game-changing contribution to the discussion of economic crises and neoliberal financial systems and strategies. Iceland’s 2008 financial collapse was the first case in a series of meltdowns, a warning of danger in the global order. This full-scale anthropology of financialization and the economic crisis broadly discusses this momentous bubble and burst and places it in theoretical, anthropological, and global historical context through descriptions of the complex developments leading to it and the larger social and cultural implications and consequences.
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