Install Perlbrew in Ubuntu Image in Docker Desktop

Documenting this because the instructions on the Perlbrew website completely failed for me.

I got various errors, including an error 5888 when I tried to run perlbrew.


I started with the default Ubuntu image on Docker Desktop:

I opened the terminal and did the following:

#  apt update && apt upgrade

#  apt install perlbrew

#  perlbrew

#  perlbrew init

#  cd /root

#  echo '    source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc' >> .profile

#  perlbrew install-cpanm 

Some of these commands ('perlbrew;, 'perlbrew install cpanm') may not have been necessary, but were just tests. Also, you might not want to run this for 'root' but use another user instead.

I tested with:

#  perlbrew install perl-5.34.0

And as I write, this install is still working.

Update: 1 test failed, "Failed test:  121". Looking it up on Google suggests it's related to time::Local and not serious.

Hope this helps someone who is searching for the solution.

Liv e video of me spending two hours figuring this out:


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