Upcoming Webinars

Webinars for the new year. I did the first one last week and the rest are upcoming. All in cooperation with Maskwacis Cultural College. See https://continuingeducationi.blogspot.com/

January 18, 8:30-9 am MT Edmonton 


Join the National Research Council's Stephen Downes, a specialist in online learning technology and new media, for an interactive session to assist faculty and instructors on how to help students succeed by using new tech tools and apps.

In this first session, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. In this session NRC e-learning expert Stephen Downes will help you get stared recording and streaming your own live video.  To fully participate in this lesson it would be best to be using a desktop or laptop computer and to have downloaded and installed OBS prior to the session (though if you haven't, no problem, and Downes will demonstrate this for Windows). You should also have a camera and microphone (Downes will discuss these) and preferably be wearing earbuds or headphones.

Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw-xdCq4mm0


February 1, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time

Title: Audacity 101


Join the National Research Council's Stephen Downes, a specialist in online learning technology and new media, for an interactive session to assist faculty and instructors on how to help students succeed by using new tech tools and apps.

Session two: Audacity, free and open source audio recording. In this session NRC e-learning expert Stephen Downes will help you get started recording and editing your own audio. Learn how to record your voice, add audio effects, add music and background noises, and export your audio in different formats or share as a podcast online. To fully participate in this lesson it would be best to be using a desktop or laptop computer and to have downloaded and installed Audacity prior to the session (though if you haven't, no problem, and Downes will demonstrate this for Windows). You should also have a microphone so you can record your own audio (Downes will discuss microphones during the presentation).

Registration link:  https://forms.gle/39KDxuj4H2wmp58H7



February 8, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time

Title: Mailing Lists 101


Join the National Research Council's Stephen Downes, a specialist in online learning technology and new media, for an interactive session to assist faculty and instructors on how to help students succeed by using new tech tools and apps.

Session three: Mailing Lists, a way to send email to large groups of people at the same time. In this session NRC e-learning expert Stephen Downes will talk about and demonstrate mailing lists. Learn how to collect lists of subscribers, compose your email, and send them as needed. Downes will discuss commercial mailing list services such as MailChimp and consider less costly alternatives. To fully participate in this lesson it would be best to be using a desktop or laptop computer.  You should also have an email account in order to send and receive emails.

Registration link:   https://forms.gle/vZ5AdAWUB31GjEG66



February 22, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time

Title: Collaborative Bookmarking 101


Join the National Research Council's Stephen Downes, a specialist in online learning technology and new media, for an interactive session to assist faculty and instructors on how to help students succeed by using new tech tools and apps.

Session four: Collaborative Bookmarking, a way to collect and share learning resources with a group of people. In this session NRC e-learning expert Stephen Downes will with mailing lists. Downes will outline the concept, look at some web-based services like Diigo and Flipboard, discuss trends like hashtags, and introduce academic tools such as Zotero.  To fully participate in this lesson it would be best to be using a desktop or laptop computer.  You should also have an email or Google account in order to sign up with bookmarking services.

Registration link:  https://forms.gle/3ck4eAeY4yNpaKxZA


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