Notes from ALT-C

"The notion of students as change agents is a relatively new concpt."  -- Malcom Ryan

Rachel Winston

How we can shape the development of a new culture of learning by creating a new partnership between students and educators.
- political view of the prevailing culture

1. why NUS thinks is an ideal model
2. how you in your role can build these partnerships
3. Results from NUS work in students shaping environments

Values underpinning this type of learning culture
- students shiuld be active participants in the learning process
    - bulk of literature - based on time & effort
    - UK - student engagement - efforts to involve and empower students in shaping the learning environment
Why define engagement this way?
- because it's the right thing to do?
- offering an alternative to the consumer model of education (which reduces complex interactions to mere transactions)

What does partnership look like?
- academics are critical, and act to change things
- active students can do this too
     - when that stunet graduates, take that ethos of responsibility into the wider world
- students are keen to be influential in decision-making, if given the opportunity (cf D2L study) - changing from feedback to 2-way conversations
- partnership is often phrased in terms of student empowerment - but this often linked with taking power away from someone - student empowerment and staff empowerment may be linked, opposed to a centralized decision-making structure
- students may exhibit properties of consumerism unless we offer an alternative
- example - start by rethinking how you provide training - include students in the process - "when we train acadmics in technology, they will retrun to old habits" - also - model where delivery happens with only one academic present

- need to consider the impact of unis outside the walls and in the wider community
- need to learn lessons from FE - these are often involved in their communities - eg. FE teach English to the families of students who study there
- give learners the space to collaborate and influence they environment

- change requires dislogue - so talk to your neigbour now

Our research with D2L...
- students belive their abilities with tech at leash as high or higher that educators
- lots of examples here in partnership development
- Liverpool-Hope eg. initiatives to challenge institutional structure by starting dialogiues
- SU was very good with communicating with students throught the process
- Birmingham - projects innvoate in specific courses - led by SU - w/ student-staff teams bringing forward specific projects. Lessons - 1- students and staff collaborate in multiple stages - 2 - initiative was value-driven with the indent of building cultural change - not just drivers of productivity or boosted NSF scores

- on the idea that studetns can never be equal partners because they have not the background - students have the capacity - because undertsanding and engaging in these decisions is part of living in a community - being involved in process, not just waiting for product delivery - it's not about parity of tech and domain experise - it's about everyone exchanging dialogue in good faith, where each may have expertise in unique areas

- response distinguishing orientation & induction - 'I dodn't realise my dissertation was research until I left - I thought it was an extended essay'
- important to do it through SU - many engagements just involve a few students, who develop a sense of loyalty to the admin
- Q - distinction between 'representative' - vs just being a vocal active student with opionions; R - one of the things I see - people take an individual stant and make that student 'the representative student' - the only way to get the student voice is through the collective voice - which depends on SU processes beimg in place


Scitt Wilson, OSSWatch -

UK insgtitutions with OSS policies  - 71% (HE), 61% (FE)
but only considered equally 25 % of the time

Focus: awareness, policy & practice
- OSS options -  - things already been deployed in another government department
- inform, suggest, challege & contribute
- policies: create polcies which are agnostic, balanced; may incoude 'default to OSS' or 'OSS preferred' - eg. ICT Advice Note, Government Procurement Services

Rob Farmer & Kate Littlemore
'Study skills for academic success' - pre-enrollment course -
- was f2f 12 weeks 3hours/week - labour intensive
- reasons to go online: meet demand, flexible delivery, autonomous learning
- course design via 'CAIeRO'  process - structured 2-day workshop - see
- use of e-tivity template - see
- focus on task, not content, design with openness in mind (was very different from creating content; previous content-based approach has failed)
- course map
- was a mix between online activities & f2f (interestingly, nobody surveyed would have preferred a fully online course - "they take cajoling")
- "online learning is bad because I can't ask questions when I get stuck"
- design for mobile needs to be considered from the outset (ie., lists, not tables)

Roger Henry

- 'Your Business Future' - OERs in the business course
- videos...
- we used a lot of students in this project (also interns) -
- the reaction of business people to student interviewers was very different than to staff
- "I don't think repositories are the answer" - you wade though them looking for what you want - we pushed out to news groups and mailing lists, not so much repositories
- we ended up making our own stuff - it was easier (even our own stuff, licensing issues)
- we are saying "if you make something, CC it, and give dept ownership"
- internationalizing - the law if different, the culture is different (relevant also when you use others')
- work with students, but always work in threes - you have one creative, one who is organized and detail-oriented, and one who is completely unreliable
- comment on the need to get all people in the videos to sign permission forms allowing use of their words/image

John Clayton
- the 'deficit model' approach - "you are lacking and I will bring you up to speed" - is essentially a broadcat model, *vs*
- empowerment model - based on learner reflection and decision-making on what *they* want to learn
- we say we do this, but then we don't allow this to occur (good disgram slide 3)
- constructing personalized learning plans:
    - intuitive user interface
    - data interacts with distinct datatabases
    - PLP developed
- model:
    - disgostic form
    - mapped to learning profiles
    - delivers learning modules
Reflective framewors - what a learer needs to learn
   - the only way to do that is to create a rubric

Jess Power and Vidya Kaannara
- preliminary findings - instutitional blockages to the use and developoment of the vle
- digital literacy still a major chellenge in the use of a VLE - re: the capacity of staff and students (eg. to adapt to changes or changing technolofies)
- they're trying to replace existing practices rather than try new ways of doing things
- project methodology: identify gaps, design strategies to fill them
- findings - half of schools actually collect data, but there's no standard process, no clear link to strategy
- according to the literature: most institutions have digital literacy standards, minimum compliance, limited criteria for auditing

Bex Lewis
- working with ODHE - Organisational Development in Higher Education
- many OD practitioners not comfortable with digital literacies
- fears - distraction, overload, apocalypse when it breaks
- one person said - "I'm mostly self-taught because the formal learning is poorly designed"
- most of the (admin types) have iPads... - they use e-surveys, google docs, and universoty systemss
- reliability issues & eduroad - "It can take me up to 20 minutes to get everything up and running"
- What worked - email list

Jenny Mackness and Roy Williams
- we're not going to explain terribly much - this is a workshop
- we're looking at emergence....
      - self-organizing = independent, adaptive, unpredictable
- when you start self-organizing your learning, emergence and emergent learning will occur (we hope)
- so I should shut up - you should do, and I should respond
- what you need: frequent interaction between many people and resources with no-one able to follow everything
- examples: wikipedia

Angie Clonan & Luke Miller - Healthy MOOCs - University of Sheffield
- School of Hearth and Related Research MOOCs
- indecesion - weren't sure what a MOOC was - platform indecision
- why MOOC? prove feasibility, increase profile, recruit students
- Platform criteria: needed to be open, simple sign-up, familiar environment, suite of collqboration tools, established and relianble, scalable
- Considered Moodle, Coursera, FutureLearn, Wikispaces, decided on coursesites(Blackboard Learn) (uni has since signed with FutureLearn)
- Developed: template, short course (5 weeks), 'MOPE' (platform) - challeneges: diverse learners, production
- Marketing - social media, mooc-list, etc
- delivery: daily maintenance, intro week (which was the businest), after that it was largely self-running
- size: 1394 joined, 1057 registered, 603 started, 135 continued to end, 73 certificates issued
- Engagement: 858 blog posts, 875 discussion posts, 78 journal posts
- Dev time - all 1600 hours (approx)
- qualitative - "amazing feedback"

Helen Whitehead - University of Nottingham - NOOC
- JISC-funded PARiS project to create OERs in sustainability - we wanted to embed OERs in the curriculum
- Key askects: don't attack academic freedom, crowded curricukum, interdiscipkinary, sustainable pedagogies (eg. collaborative learning, formative assessment)
- activities aimed at behaviour change
- accessed exiting ebooks
- Innovation: needed to be practical, support employability agenda, innovative use of Moodle, measure use of 'disruptive' pedagogy on teaching across the university
- Process - developed structure, flexible assessment, post-grad researchers used as facilitators
- built our own online community before building the MOOC
- worked well - lots of discussion throughout
- analysis: the style we adopt as tutors/facilitators shapes the length and tone of students postings (so be careful how you modelm things) @@@@@@@@@

Nicola Beddall-Hill - Thetford Tomb Raiders
- looking at Hpward family tombs originally in a Thetford priory & moved to Framlingham
- based on scans of tombs, and examined bits that should be there (after the move, but weren't)
- based on am iOS weeb app - put out a tender and had a company do it
- question - "How do we become mediators of that information" - to find audience needs, used focus groups, surveys, etc - key was "not just another tour guide please"
- issues getting it running: people without iuPads, people without WiFi
- most people found it enjoyable
- will be available as "Thetford's Tudor Tombs"

Larry Reagan and Bruce
Leadership Challenges in the Rapidly Changing Global Culture of Learning / Sloan-C
Global foces:
  - change in value proposition - questioning the value of higher ed, driven by enormous costs to attend
  - historical/cultutal legacy - we may change how we define 'the academy'
  - changes in learning experiences - concepts of courses, classes being challenged / who grants the credential? (Badging - amazingly popular)
  - democratizing of learning
  - reducations in funding from government & public sources
  - growth of (competitive) online markets
  - integration of industry - more vocational
Institutional Forces
  - changing notion of the contract with the learner - move from attendance-based to competency-based models (and 3rd parties are doing this)
  - financial impact of online learning - increasing prevalence of market pricing (pushing up prices)
  - open and free courseware (MOOCs, etc)
  - lifelong learning
  - evidencde of ROI - eg., late-degree completers
  - demand for improved retention and completion
  - disruptive forces (pedagogy and technology)
Individual Forces
  - progressive leadership
  - collborstive leadership
  - globaal competitive awareness
  - business orientation - marketing sense, financial management
  - being agile in fast waters
  - drinking from the fire-hose
  - systems perspective- integration of  ultiple systems and network
  - consumer (customer) focus
  - opportunity oriented

Wendy Hall
What a Difference a Web Makes
- Standing on the shoulders of gialnts: Vannavar Bush, Ted Nelson (deeply intertwingled), Doug Englebart, Vint Cerf, Bob Khan (not just the internet but the democracy of it)
- 'associative linking' - camputes a semantic relationship between the elements (links in the metadata)
- TBL - the web - 'the most successful information srchitecture in history' (a lot of buzz around huperlinking at the time - there were systems around (eg Gopher) but cost money) ("we were talking about microcosm, he was talking about this thing that wasn't yet called the WWW -- ")
- Alt-C 1994 - Soton paper on mircocosm -- we were being prescient in microcosm about the semantic web
- Why the web son:
  - big is beautiful - the web is everything (everyone will use it or no-one will - winner-take all eg. one FACEBOOK)
  - scruffy works: let the links fail to make it scale
  - democracy rules: open, free and universal (it's an experiment that can never be rerun (but there's ways we could kill it)
  - but we lost (for a  time) conceptial and contextual - the semantic web
  - missing links - search engines fill the gap
- "You couldn't build Google until there was enough of the web to make it."
- the web is a network of netword that grows because we put stuff on it
   - web 2.0, wikipedia, (compare with microcosm - which linked to dictionary definitions - but you had to buy the OED to do it)


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