Notes from: MOOCs for Development
Welcoming Intro Ezekiel Emmanuel
- MOOCs 'democratizing' education? (vs? 'socializing')
- but - access, language, etc
- MOOCs - equalize opportunity for elites in developing countries
- may widen inequality in developing countries - more for elites, nothing for the rest
- issues of quality - eg. issue of keeping them engaged etc
- how do get the value to people in the bottom third?
- how do we ensure the materials are genuinely educational
- all this from the context of video production
- we have no idea how th economics of this will work
Andy Porter - Dean of the Graduate School of Education
- Zeke brings up the problem of 'the rich get richer'
- advances in learning tend to create wider gaps
- how can we use MOOCs to reduce inequalities
- the challenges don't have to be challenges
- they don't have to be in English, they don't have to require high reading skills
- we need to look at 'what is excellence in online teaching'
The Advent of MOOCs panel session
Abdul Wahid Khan IGNOU
- MOOCs - recent, buzzword, etc - critics call it a fad, hype, etc.
- my bias - MOOCs have a contribution to make, but there are reasons to be careful
- MOOCs essentially a response to the emerging knowledge society - the value of knowledge increases
- people used to value wealth but now they value knowledge
- poor man's version of MOOCs
- mssive - nobody has defined this;
- open - a new phenomenon;
- online - this is where I deviate - in my time we had 'on air' for farmers
- eg. in support of Green Revolution in India - to address gap between the land and the lab
- radio + printed support system - has been running for 35 years
- what is the difference? It targeted a local problem, in a local language, multi-sakeholder, blended learning
- it is not technology that should determine learning, it should be the learning that determines the tech
- eg. MOOCs in Bengali, in Hindi, etc
- you don't want to put a current evaluation against the potential of the technology
- what made IGNOU possible?
- massive unmet demand,
- plus, we began to develop programs that meet the needs of industry
- encouraged active partnership between public and private sector (eg. 3,500 private sector learning facilities)
- technology can bring a multiplier effect, but the technology per se is not the action
Bakary Diallo - Rector, AVU
- pragmatism before popularity - it's hard to make a decision before you know what the future is
- that said, MOOCs make sense for us in the context of higher ed in Africa
- the biggest problem in Africa is access
- need min 12-15 graduates from tertiary education to sustain development
- so eg. video not currently practical
- exploring solar power, fibre-optics, etc
- e-learning is a viable and profitable business in Africa, which is evidence it works
- 75% of AVU's activity devoted to capacity-building
- OERs - the fact that the resources are open makes a big difference
- but how to capitalize on this?
- additional problem of accreditation - need programs, not courses (MOOPs)
- Objectives
- form institutional partnerships
- develop infrastructure adapted to the African context
Mikala Petoki - EPFL - Luasanne
- MOOCs - in a normal hype cycle
- future - multiple forms, different blends, features for specific user groups, business models
- outlook - here to stay
- key ingredients: great offering; tech, data, visualizations; know learning more
- the user at the center - this is about people this is about individuals
- and the user is not like me
- the question is - how do we serve *people* in resource-poor communities
- and how do we serve each of them in the right way
- opportunities:
- dissemination - bandwidth, language, and blended configurations
- eg. EPFL Flying Donkey Drone Challenge
- academic environment
- credit and certification, adapt governance, work on regulatory environment, multi-party initiatives
- content development
- students have to have the basis to comprehend, and teachers are still at the centre of videos
- harnessing networks - eg. French-language networks
How does existing technology help MOOCs be localized and learner-centred?
- intended for massive numbers, but doesn't prevent designing programs for the needs of a specific group
- add that the blend no matter where allows for a collective learning experience
- what kind of pedagogy? there is none - it's up to you - there is no pedagogy in traditional university
- IGNOU - many students appear in competitive exams - even from traditional institutions - using IGNOU materials
- AVU has two courses for lecturers addressing these issues
Costs & Benefits of MOOCs
Clara Ng - Coursera
- model - what are the costs, and what are the opportunities that offset them
- universities - costs (course production $50L-$200K) plus faculty time (400 hrs median)
- learners - mostly costs time, as MOOCs are mostly free
- sustainable ecosystem requires understanding of value creation
- cycle where universities create value for students, students create value for universities
- Coursera value for students: the education, which we provide for free, and the credentials, which we earn revenue
- identity-verified certificate - using photos and biometric assessment of typing pattern
- certificate track - $30-$100/course - averaging 1.2% conversion up to current avg of 2.4%
- driven by demand from employers
- also driven by improvements to user interface
- total $4M revenue thus far
- specializations - sequence of courses
- project-based learning - social impact (Scott Plous, Wesleyan Uni) - contest (how to live compassionately for 24 hours)
- value for learners
- free courses
- translated content
- mobile access
- social learning and community building
Michele Rimini - OECD
- economic models
- OECD's ambition to become a 'Global Inclusive Policy Network'
- aid assistance
- OECD strategy for development
- small-set of global goals, evidence-based policy
- PISA for development - universal method for measuring educational success
- knowledge for inclusive innovation and development
-evidence on impacts of innovation
- CERI (Center for Educational Research and Innovation)
- research on evidence-base of OER - 'Giving Knowledge for Free'
- future work on Open Higher Education (OERs and MOOCs)
- (definitions, MOOCs and OERs)
- differences between MOOCs and OERs
- license, OERs open, MOOCs usually copyright
- length: OERs any length, MOOCs full course
- OERs mainly for teachers, MOOCs mainly for students
- OERs flexible, MOOCs rigid
- business models
- donations - private funding, public funding, VC funding
- institutional enlargement - eg. MIT's OCW, EdX
- freemium - content for free, market prices for premium services
- advertising, sale of personal information
- professional training, courses licensed for training needs
Juliana Guaqueta - International Finance Corporation (World Bank)
- to help private entities develop jobs, tax revenues, etc
- huge growth of private institutions - a piece of the equation worth supporting, much more effective
- strategy - increase reach and impact - systemic approach, develop skills & enhance employability
- 50% of what we do is in Latin America, because theire governments are more open to private sector participation
- gaps in access to education
- organizational types of MOOCs
- private for-profit (Coursera, Udemy)
- university consortium (EdX, FutureLearn)
- government-sponsored (FUN/France)
- Business models
- B2C space - fee that students pay (eg Udemy, fee set by instructors, Coursera, fee for certificate)
- B2B side - employee training, philanthropy, data analytics, licensing fees, academic programs online
- IFC's thinking - emerging market take-up, key enrollment driver, exist
- dev impact: access to HE alternatives, employability and LLL, increase knowledge base, innovation in education
- Question of whether education is a public good or not
- concern that education has become a public good without public support
- cost of production is high, but the market is based on the low cost of reproduction
- concern about how to generate revenue - where does public funding come from
- beyond this question: the practical question is, what sort of business models are we comfortable implementing
- costs of rerunning courses are low, so we encourage institutions to rerun the course
- knowledge is more and more more commoditized
- but the resources will never replace full-fledged education, but somebody has to pay
- (I'm from MIT) - my courses are on OCW, the costs of keeping OCW going are well beyond those of the first foundations
- (OAS) - facilitated teacher education - we are really lagging behind compared to OECD countries
- is theer a model in a developing country doing PD for teachers
- what's the revenue-share between Coursera & Universities? - 15% going to university
Cooperative Model?
- is really present in OER - OER does not need to find a sustainable business model, just needs a value network
Tracking how learners learn in different contexts
MOOCs and International Development
Papa Youga Dieng - OIF
- overview of Organisastion internationale de la francophonie
- strategic plan 2005-2015 - support for education
- projects -
Issues and perspectives
- shortage of qualified teachers - between 40% - 60% in many African countries
- Low access to electricity and connectivity in poor countries
- MOOCs support professional development
- MOOCs for crosscutting issues
- can generte OERs to be disseminated by paper, radio, etc
- recommendations
- increase access to technology
- build capacity in universities and teacher colleges
- explore mobile technology and alt energy
Sandra Klopper - University of Cape Town
- can speak of Anglophone but not francophone Africa
- Africans are consumers rather than producers of MOOCs
- from Africa material is produced that goes into others' MOOCs
- MOOCs and development challenges in Africa - other priorities
- showcase African knowledge and expertise
- resource, social and development initiatives in Africa
- Resource implications in the development of MOOCs
- major costs, expertise required - cf University of London report on mOOCs
- governance and strategy
Steven Duggan - Microsoft
- how do we deliver personalized learning
- Do your students like school? mostly - 'no'
- the current modalities are failing everyone
- tech - Khan reached 216M students with 36 teachers
- the ability to learn doesn't just appear with availability
- modern schools: need to teach collaboration, communiocation, problem solving
- show don't tell (then he plays a video)
- new forms of learning need new forms of measurement
- what are the big challenges in education?
- #1 - literacy - we need books, readers, coaches, etc.,
- there are 7K languages, most of which have < 100K speakers
- almost a third of illiterate students live in illiterate homes
- MS - has created free tools -
- anyone can create a book with text, images and audio
- can be distributed on smart phones (16K texts on a phone)
- we can provide assessment, because we know when they have finished a book
- what does success look like?
- the class of the future won't look like a space age class of today
- the classroom is a recent inveention
- what we will have before that class will look more like apprenticeship
- personal learning - but this has to be available to both developing & developed would
- 20 years for now - the need for higher ed people will double, the need for teachers will tripple
- what is success - students success in life, in employment, in (?)
- the need to keep teachers in the loop, to keep parents in the loop
- response (Duggan) the point isn't to replace teachers or schools
- (Dieng) problem of teachers without training, and low pay for teachers
- also - even if tech isn't essential for training, it creates incentive
- the notion of democratic MOOCs
- how to balance effective MOOC vs sustainability issue
- (Duggan) the key issue is how to create more content
- (echo of same comment from Udemy)
- the question of what there is to learn from these communities
- copyright and content issues - and support for open licensing
Surprises - Economic Models
- we didn't hear about the institutional impact of MOOCs
- no space around the ethical dimension
- missing in business models session - link to developing countries
- missing - division between public & private universities
- maybe more of a stakeholder analysis - but with a comparison between drivers
- looking at institutional involvement - to what end?
- what does 'free' mean - not just access, but price, and participattion
- no discussion of the flipped classroom model
- 'democratization' - getting people into jobs, etc (India - 500 million people need employment skills)
- question of how much is a production problem and how much is a distribution problem
- how much of this economy depends on creating scarcities rather than responding to them
- issues of licensing
- 'giving knowledge for free' vs 'creating knowledge'
- democratic MOOCs - vs? what leads us closer to meeting needs of developing world
- & education isn't a 'delivery problem' so much as a creation problem
- we need to get away from delivering learning
- what is 'massive' - group vs individuals vs network
- what is 'success' - able to do vs able to know (direct challenge to PISA)
- connectivist model - linking community & OERs
- community-based economic model
- the hard part isn't creating content,
No society has ever been built on the sale of education
No society has ever been built without education
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