MOOCs for Development - Day 2
The Challenge of MOOCs Panel
Stephen Downes
Please see my presentation and audio here:
N.V. Varghese
- view from developing countries
- largest expansion of the system in this century
- did not rely on public resources at all - shows willingness to pay
- GER (gross educational? resources) disparity worldwide
- OECD countries universalized higher ed, but developing countries still in an elite system
- social demand far outstrips brick-and-mortar solutions
- can MOOCs address this?
- enormous potential
- Tsinghua (#1 in BRICs) created a consortium of leading universities to teach Mandarin
- IIT in India relies on MOOCs for skills in IT sector
- 330 million in India will have Internet in 2015
- technology and infrastructure
- language constraint - courses are in English
Who benefits?
- mostly the elite - already have degrees (80%)
- they are proficient in English, they are employed, they're not looking for a degree
So - MOOCs serve privileged students, not a reliable way to increase equivalent access to higher education
- private institutions and commercial interest in MOOCs
- are the MOOCs taking all the money?
- MOOCs give them a way to feel like they are contributing even if they aren't
- disparities in access are getting narrowed, but disparities in achievement are not
- argument that MOOCs are widening the disparities
- propose partnering with existing institutions as an initial step to make them more
widespread in developing countries
Russell Beale - The MOOCs Challenge - FutureLearn / U of Birmingham
- inspire learning for life by telling stories, celebrating progress
- nothing has more potential than MOOCs - range of views from sceptics to advocates
- challenges:
- MOOC 1.0 to MOOC 2.0
- not just putting materials online
- MOOCs 2.0 - more social, learning for life (SD- note that this was part of original vision)
- activity feed, social network ethos
- based on empowering not just learners but also educators
- pedagogy of the massive
- basically a social constructivist approach
- we want educators to engage with learners
- go beyond what we currently know - invent new pedagogical approaches
- we don't think completion is a sensible metric
- peer review, peer assessment, that will work on a massive scale
- (yet!) - exams, statements of participation
- mobile first
- responsive design - apps for specific things, aware of bandwidth
- delightful user interface
- we are competing with people causally watching TV, watching cat videos
- this might not be the same in the developing world
- still, UI is important - but this is very hard to do
- can do without it, but makes it more engaging
- insightful analytics
- transactional analytics - who viewed what
- interactions - how did people work through the people
- conversational - who did they talk with, what did they say
- "unlike Stephen, we do have courses and we do have course structure, and students seem to like that"
- long lectures don't work
- shorter videos are more engaging
- eg by identifying when and where and how people view videos
- eg. we can show people like the ebb and flow of the course
- various other statistics from FutureLearn
- eg. 34% are social learners - contributing to discussions
- we can understand the learning design (eg., paragraph from Halmlet)
- 23% would write their contribution only after reading the other discussions first
- in general the feedback is good - 90% would recommend FutureLearn to other people
- we could have both - we could have he massive courses, plus we could have the community-based courses
- but what is happening now? there is this fear that the big boys will drive everybody out
- for Russell Beale - are your users also young, male, highly educated
- if your model stopped unless you reached the developing world what would you do
- you have to have equal inputs to achieve equal outputs
- MOOCs may enlarge the gap within developing countries
- many people at the bottom do not have the access to connect
- MOOCs - not just going to be superprofessors - if open for personalized teaching could be good
- but remember MOOCs 1.0 are just eBooks
- when MOOCs are combined with local prrofessors the learning can happen locally
- celebrating the movement from knowledge transfer to knowledge exchange
- what can technology to to support deeper learning and mastery
- issue of language, culture, local anchoring of education
- education was once nation-building, today it is future-building
- isn't this calling for a new kind of partnership - between local learning forces & universities
(SD - Triad Model)
- have MOOCs been crowdsourcing funding?
- SD - elites?
- view of the elite swamps view of the smalls - eg. origin of MOOCs, eg. MOOCs 2.0
- also - based on bad data - the votes of the people who already use the system
- question of sustainability - the largest *must* create income which pushes toward a revenue model
- SD - on private participation
- on one hand, we hear people in developing world talk about how much of their system is based
on private enterprise
- on the other hand, they talk about how the educational system favours only the elites
- Russell - interesting that MOOCs being promoted higher education - but concerns that they will
displace HE are misplaced
- the people building courses for the millions are not the people we will get the impact from
- need a complex web of materials
- disseminate down and outwords
- moocs will make the elites in various countries more alike, but will increase disparity
- agree with
Expanding Inclusion
Masennya Dikotla - South Africa
Why current strategies are insufficient
- they do not meet the needs of marginalized children and youth
- most programs function outside the mainstream, creating a second rate citizenry
- most exclusions are based on excuses from elite groups - eg. 'we will not give you this computer system because you don't have electricity, or you don't know what to do with it, or you will just steal them' - and so they just wait
What Can be Done?
- curriculum should meet the needs of a wide range of different learner
- these need to be legislated
- teaching and learning should be in first language of the learner
- schools should accommodate all children, no matter their intellectual, social, linguistic or other conditions
Case Study - Bridges to the Future Initiative
Minghua Li - China
- initiatuve to provide education to migrant workers in the factories sponsored by ministry of education
- looking at how MOOCs
- students - working in facories like foxcom (?)
Networks of learning clusters:
- problems: physical accessibility problems - transportation, long working days, living conditions,
- approach - network of learning centres in close walking distance
- to establish community college edu
- local social sypport for learning - social learning incubator
MOOCs come...
- classes from all over the world
- but do they develop the kind of courses specifically targeted to these workers
- MOOCs can play a part - the open market concept which aims to break the monopoly on education
- broadcast of learning not enough, we need local support - mentors, facilitators, even teachers
- eg. 'MOOCs Inside' courses (like 'Intel Inside')
- also - these migrant workers also need eductational credentials
Two-market picture of MOOCs
- one parket it the degree market
- a parallel independent course market
- how do they work together? Core courses for degree + additional courses from independent
- how do we determine MOOCs meet standards? missing point - an institution to accredit independ courses
- currently working with a group of US community colleges to form an alliance to develop individual
courses just to meet the standards for associate degrees
Barbara Moser-Mercer - InZone, Universite de Geneve
- Higher Education in Emergencies - education as a humanitarian response
- where we started - education something we impose on them as something we think they need
- changed to blended course - we go onsite into conflict zones - in our own learning environment
- we also need knowledge - that's what MOOCs can offer
- but do MOOCs hold up in the fragile states we work in
- Education in fragile states
- contributes to political stability
- primary & secondary education, virtually no tertiary
- convention on refugees - Article 22
- UNHCR - higher commission for refugees
- has developed a new education strategy - goal of 100% access to higher edcuation
- study of MOOCs
- principle - you can't just do a project and extract data for your norther project
- the recipients have to receive a benefit
- hence, the drop-out rate isn't acceptable
- the principles of humanitarian law say you have to get them to the finish line
- challenges
- tech - negotiated special deal with Coursera to download all the materials to USB keys
- but they keys would be used as a last resort
- most access to info from mobile phones
- forums - basically inaccessible, too chaotic, to much data to download
- the geography of thought
- how people think in different cultures
- not as a barrier, but how to leverage the learning of differnt cultures
- the students need skills & MOOCs aren't good for that
- but to learn skills you need knowledge, and MOOCs can help with that
Driss Ouaouicha - Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
- anglophone university in Morocco (francophone and arabic environment)
- weakness - mismatch between education and needs of industry
- advantage - widespread access to mobile (& therefore internet - 52% use of internet)
- recent conference - recommendations
- create a National e-learning centre at the university with ministry support
- train the trainer approach
- use open educational resources
- success factors: HR, technology, partnership
- As Russell said today, the MOOCs in higher ed are an accident
- we need to address public and secondary - esp. dropouts
- 'second opportunity' school
- 28% of the population are illiterate
- we may be overestimating the power of the MOOC
- UK person - 'a MOOC is like a book' - it's not going to solve all your problems
- cooperation is extremely important - gap between north and south
Copyright and IP Panel
Edward Rock - UPenn Law Professor
Coursera / university partnership
- question - why are you doing this - my leagl background not unimportant
- issues around ownership of IP and copyright
- partnerships with Coursera...
- are non-exclusive
- IP stays with university, content licensed to Coursera
- necessary to negotiate ownership up front because
- ownership may have stayed with faculty, or may have been work-for-hirre - it was unclear
- we set up a structure to govern those questions up front
- had to be balanced with responsibilities to paying students
- used 'internal grants' model for most courses - around $50K / course
- stipend, assistants, copyright, and videotaping
- think of copyright as a publishing venture not a teaching venture
- ownership rights, control rights, cash flow rights
- content belongs to the faculty member, expression belongs to the university
- faculty member licenses content to university, university licenses the videotapes
to the faculty member - eg. university has a veto if faculty want to use a different
- university has the right to say whether the course is offered / reoffered
- the university could offeer the course over the objection of the faculty
- because it needs to be economically sustainable
- need to be able to capitalize if it makes money
- by 3rd run, could run by itself - faculty member would get 30% share of revenue
- university is in the position of publisher, movie studio, etc
- course doesn't go into development without the agreement
- but nobody is forced to develop courses through this process
Candace Reimer - Google - Learning & Development Organization
- cloud-based open source platforms
- Peter Norvig is on our team - shared inspiring stories
- offered initial open online course - 157K - we saw lots of dialogue, we had TAs around the world
- decided based on this to open-source platform - CourseBuilder
- runs on AppEngine, ongoing deveelopments in internationalization, analytics, assessment
- when EdX announced open source engine, Google looked at collaborating
Discussion of what OSS is - Google OSS these are cloud-based, though
- anyone can be an author
- they have full control of the course and the materials
- they also own the relationship with the student, own the data, own the brand
- allow course design, customized features, reasearch and community
- is the authorship open or closed
- do you want hosted or unhosted
Maureen McClure - Uni Pittsburgh
- who owns development? MOOCs in a wicked world
- how can we start thinking about these issues in a way that fits development?
- issues become very complex in a hurry (so we need expensive lawyers)
- who owns development? the authors? the investors? the affected?
- authorship can address moral rights (in perpetuity)
- question: elite education+ cooperative extension = strategy for development?
- elite education - experts/authors as doctors, solving the 'knowns'
- cooperative - we're neighbours, articipation and buy-in necessary
- the Global Generation
- development is a generational; responsibility to protect the future's sustainability
- like radio, TV, MOOCs can impact millions
- don't want to show up with tech and not address core issues
- elite education is...
- radically convenient, no loose ends
- licensing, export controls, etc., all managed for you
- they tend to track telecom & engineering schools
- support national certification efforts
- can negotiate permanent access to OERs
- cooperative extension models...
- stay close to local
- promote OERs
- non-forma;l and co-created - sidestep copyright issues
- can generate a national voice (eg FutureLearn - choice of national cultural institutions)
- Contexts matter...
- critical thinking for both employbility and governance
- more focus on international credit for mobility
- UNESCO can help address international copyrights
- Explore 'American Corner' or 'British Council' models
- do not succumb to conference fever
- is tech culture an invasive species
- Putnam Bowling Alone
- two generations of MOOCs
- democratization of content
- second generation - cMOOCs - democratization of platforms
- licensing - any time a lot of money is at stake its a huge political issues
- licensing and silos?
- Coursera not open source,
- universities could make content open course but all of us have chosen not to
- on the other hand - the iTunes threat - hence the need to keep control over the IP
- sensitivity to platform dependence - esp. eg. Stanford using multi platforms
- UPenn not keen to have professors teach at other institutions
- Google - not trying to break down silos
- no-one has the answers right now - interested in lots of answers right now
- area where there can be a lot of discussion
- Q - what about G+ being locked down? No response - "I can't talk about those aspects"
- issue of the right to earn money vs an obligation to protect the next generations
Stephen Downes
Please see my presentation and audio here:
N.V. Varghese
- view from developing countries
- largest expansion of the system in this century
- did not rely on public resources at all - shows willingness to pay
- GER (gross educational? resources) disparity worldwide
- OECD countries universalized higher ed, but developing countries still in an elite system
- social demand far outstrips brick-and-mortar solutions
- can MOOCs address this?
- enormous potential
- Tsinghua (#1 in BRICs) created a consortium of leading universities to teach Mandarin
- IIT in India relies on MOOCs for skills in IT sector
- 330 million in India will have Internet in 2015
- technology and infrastructure
- language constraint - courses are in English
Who benefits?
- mostly the elite - already have degrees (80%)
- they are proficient in English, they are employed, they're not looking for a degree
So - MOOCs serve privileged students, not a reliable way to increase equivalent access to higher education
- private institutions and commercial interest in MOOCs
- are the MOOCs taking all the money?
- MOOCs give them a way to feel like they are contributing even if they aren't
- disparities in access are getting narrowed, but disparities in achievement are not
- argument that MOOCs are widening the disparities
- propose partnering with existing institutions as an initial step to make them more
widespread in developing countries
Russell Beale - The MOOCs Challenge - FutureLearn / U of Birmingham
- inspire learning for life by telling stories, celebrating progress
- nothing has more potential than MOOCs - range of views from sceptics to advocates
- challenges:
- MOOC 1.0 to MOOC 2.0
- not just putting materials online
- MOOCs 2.0 - more social, learning for life (SD- note that this was part of original vision)
- activity feed, social network ethos
- based on empowering not just learners but also educators
- pedagogy of the massive
- basically a social constructivist approach
- we want educators to engage with learners
- go beyond what we currently know - invent new pedagogical approaches
- we don't think completion is a sensible metric
- peer review, peer assessment, that will work on a massive scale
- (yet!) - exams, statements of participation
- mobile first
- responsive design - apps for specific things, aware of bandwidth
- delightful user interface
- we are competing with people causally watching TV, watching cat videos
- this might not be the same in the developing world
- still, UI is important - but this is very hard to do
- can do without it, but makes it more engaging
- insightful analytics
- transactional analytics - who viewed what
- interactions - how did people work through the people
- conversational - who did they talk with, what did they say
- "unlike Stephen, we do have courses and we do have course structure, and students seem to like that"
- long lectures don't work
- shorter videos are more engaging
- eg by identifying when and where and how people view videos
- eg. we can show people like the ebb and flow of the course
- various other statistics from FutureLearn
- eg. 34% are social learners - contributing to discussions
- we can understand the learning design (eg., paragraph from Halmlet)
- 23% would write their contribution only after reading the other discussions first
- in general the feedback is good - 90% would recommend FutureLearn to other people
- we could have both - we could have he massive courses, plus we could have the community-based courses
- but what is happening now? there is this fear that the big boys will drive everybody out
- for Russell Beale - are your users also young, male, highly educated
- if your model stopped unless you reached the developing world what would you do
- you have to have equal inputs to achieve equal outputs
- MOOCs may enlarge the gap within developing countries
- many people at the bottom do not have the access to connect
- MOOCs - not just going to be superprofessors - if open for personalized teaching could be good
- but remember MOOCs 1.0 are just eBooks
- when MOOCs are combined with local prrofessors the learning can happen locally
- celebrating the movement from knowledge transfer to knowledge exchange
- what can technology to to support deeper learning and mastery
- issue of language, culture, local anchoring of education
- education was once nation-building, today it is future-building
- isn't this calling for a new kind of partnership - between local learning forces & universities
(SD - Triad Model)
- have MOOCs been crowdsourcing funding?
- SD - elites?
- view of the elite swamps view of the smalls - eg. origin of MOOCs, eg. MOOCs 2.0
- also - based on bad data - the votes of the people who already use the system
- question of sustainability - the largest *must* create income which pushes toward a revenue model
- SD - on private participation
- on one hand, we hear people in developing world talk about how much of their system is based
on private enterprise
- on the other hand, they talk about how the educational system favours only the elites
- Russell - interesting that MOOCs being promoted higher education - but concerns that they will
displace HE are misplaced
- the people building courses for the millions are not the people we will get the impact from
- need a complex web of materials
- disseminate down and outwords
- moocs will make the elites in various countries more alike, but will increase disparity
- agree with
Expanding Inclusion
Masennya Dikotla - South Africa
Why current strategies are insufficient
- they do not meet the needs of marginalized children and youth
- most programs function outside the mainstream, creating a second rate citizenry
- most exclusions are based on excuses from elite groups - eg. 'we will not give you this computer system because you don't have electricity, or you don't know what to do with it, or you will just steal them' - and so they just wait
What Can be Done?
- curriculum should meet the needs of a wide range of different learner
- these need to be legislated
- teaching and learning should be in first language of the learner
- schools should accommodate all children, no matter their intellectual, social, linguistic or other conditions
Case Study - Bridges to the Future Initiative
Minghua Li - China
- initiatuve to provide education to migrant workers in the factories sponsored by ministry of education
- looking at how MOOCs
- students - working in facories like foxcom (?)
Networks of learning clusters:
- problems: physical accessibility problems - transportation, long working days, living conditions,
- approach - network of learning centres in close walking distance
- to establish community college edu
- local social sypport for learning - social learning incubator
MOOCs come...
- classes from all over the world
- but do they develop the kind of courses specifically targeted to these workers
- MOOCs can play a part - the open market concept which aims to break the monopoly on education
- broadcast of learning not enough, we need local support - mentors, facilitators, even teachers
- eg. 'MOOCs Inside' courses (like 'Intel Inside')
- also - these migrant workers also need eductational credentials
Two-market picture of MOOCs
- one parket it the degree market
- a parallel independent course market
- how do they work together? Core courses for degree + additional courses from independent
- how do we determine MOOCs meet standards? missing point - an institution to accredit independ courses
- currently working with a group of US community colleges to form an alliance to develop individual
courses just to meet the standards for associate degrees
Barbara Moser-Mercer - InZone, Universite de Geneve
- Higher Education in Emergencies - education as a humanitarian response
- where we started - education something we impose on them as something we think they need
- changed to blended course - we go onsite into conflict zones - in our own learning environment
- we also need knowledge - that's what MOOCs can offer
- but do MOOCs hold up in the fragile states we work in
- Education in fragile states
- contributes to political stability
- primary & secondary education, virtually no tertiary
- convention on refugees - Article 22
- UNHCR - higher commission for refugees
- has developed a new education strategy - goal of 100% access to higher edcuation
- study of MOOCs
- principle - you can't just do a project and extract data for your norther project
- the recipients have to receive a benefit
- hence, the drop-out rate isn't acceptable
- the principles of humanitarian law say you have to get them to the finish line
- challenges
- tech - negotiated special deal with Coursera to download all the materials to USB keys
- but they keys would be used as a last resort
- most access to info from mobile phones
- forums - basically inaccessible, too chaotic, to much data to download
- the geography of thought
- how people think in different cultures
- not as a barrier, but how to leverage the learning of differnt cultures
- the students need skills & MOOCs aren't good for that
- but to learn skills you need knowledge, and MOOCs can help with that
Driss Ouaouicha - Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
- anglophone university in Morocco (francophone and arabic environment)
- weakness - mismatch between education and needs of industry
- advantage - widespread access to mobile (& therefore internet - 52% use of internet)
- recent conference - recommendations
- create a National e-learning centre at the university with ministry support
- train the trainer approach
- use open educational resources
- success factors: HR, technology, partnership
- As Russell said today, the MOOCs in higher ed are an accident
- we need to address public and secondary - esp. dropouts
- 'second opportunity' school
- 28% of the population are illiterate
- we may be overestimating the power of the MOOC
- UK person - 'a MOOC is like a book' - it's not going to solve all your problems
- cooperation is extremely important - gap between north and south
Copyright and IP Panel
Edward Rock - UPenn Law Professor
Coursera / university partnership
- question - why are you doing this - my leagl background not unimportant
- issues around ownership of IP and copyright
- partnerships with Coursera...
- are non-exclusive
- IP stays with university, content licensed to Coursera
- necessary to negotiate ownership up front because
- ownership may have stayed with faculty, or may have been work-for-hirre - it was unclear
- we set up a structure to govern those questions up front
- had to be balanced with responsibilities to paying students
- used 'internal grants' model for most courses - around $50K / course
- stipend, assistants, copyright, and videotaping
- think of copyright as a publishing venture not a teaching venture
- ownership rights, control rights, cash flow rights
- content belongs to the faculty member, expression belongs to the university
- faculty member licenses content to university, university licenses the videotapes
to the faculty member - eg. university has a veto if faculty want to use a different
- university has the right to say whether the course is offered / reoffered
- the university could offeer the course over the objection of the faculty
- because it needs to be economically sustainable
- need to be able to capitalize if it makes money
- by 3rd run, could run by itself - faculty member would get 30% share of revenue
- university is in the position of publisher, movie studio, etc
- course doesn't go into development without the agreement
- but nobody is forced to develop courses through this process
Candace Reimer - Google - Learning & Development Organization
- cloud-based open source platforms
- Peter Norvig is on our team - shared inspiring stories
- offered initial open online course - 157K - we saw lots of dialogue, we had TAs around the world
- decided based on this to open-source platform - CourseBuilder
- runs on AppEngine, ongoing deveelopments in internationalization, analytics, assessment
- when EdX announced open source engine, Google looked at collaborating
Discussion of what OSS is - Google OSS these are cloud-based, though
- anyone can be an author
- they have full control of the course and the materials
- they also own the relationship with the student, own the data, own the brand
- allow course design, customized features, reasearch and community
- is the authorship open or closed
- do you want hosted or unhosted
Maureen McClure - Uni Pittsburgh
- who owns development? MOOCs in a wicked world
- how can we start thinking about these issues in a way that fits development?
- issues become very complex in a hurry (so we need expensive lawyers)
- who owns development? the authors? the investors? the affected?
- authorship can address moral rights (in perpetuity)
- question: elite education+ cooperative extension = strategy for development?
- elite education - experts/authors as doctors, solving the 'knowns'
- cooperative - we're neighbours, articipation and buy-in necessary
- the Global Generation
- development is a generational; responsibility to protect the future's sustainability
- like radio, TV, MOOCs can impact millions
- don't want to show up with tech and not address core issues
- elite education is...
- radically convenient, no loose ends
- licensing, export controls, etc., all managed for you
- they tend to track telecom & engineering schools
- support national certification efforts
- can negotiate permanent access to OERs
- cooperative extension models...
- stay close to local
- promote OERs
- non-forma;l and co-created - sidestep copyright issues
- can generate a national voice (eg FutureLearn - choice of national cultural institutions)
- Contexts matter...
- critical thinking for both employbility and governance
- more focus on international credit for mobility
- UNESCO can help address international copyrights
- Explore 'American Corner' or 'British Council' models
- do not succumb to conference fever
- is tech culture an invasive species
- Putnam Bowling Alone
- two generations of MOOCs
- democratization of content
- second generation - cMOOCs - democratization of platforms
- licensing - any time a lot of money is at stake its a huge political issues
- licensing and silos?
- Coursera not open source,
- universities could make content open course but all of us have chosen not to
- on the other hand - the iTunes threat - hence the need to keep control over the IP
- sensitivity to platform dependence - esp. eg. Stanford using multi platforms
- UPenn not keen to have professors teach at other institutions
- Google - not trying to break down silos
- no-one has the answers right now - interested in lots of answers right now
- area where there can be a lot of discussion
- Q - what about G+ being locked down? No response - "I can't talk about those aspects"
- issue of the right to earn money vs an obligation to protect the next generations
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