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Assessment of Barriers to Educational Technology Acceptance

  Automated transcription, lightly edited for paragraph breaks.   Welcome to the Sunday morning session. Where the most important papers are presented. So, Uh, a lot of this paper wasn't actually in the paper. It's part of a project that we did in the National Research Council with an organization called DRDC And much of the presentation wasn't actually available to be shown at the time the paper was submitted but now it is available.   It was part of an overall training modernization process for the defense research and development Canada. And they were looking to conduct a study on factors that inhibited their instructors from using learning technology. Our Publications are available. In these slides, I will show a QR code at the end of the presentation where the slides are available and you'll be able to access them. The first of two presentations is the one that this one is focused on. The analysis of barriers to technology adoption.    The second publicati

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