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Grappa-Ling With Mark Carney (1)

I've been reading Mark Carney's book Value(s) . It seems a reasonable read given his new place in Canadian political affairs. It's a serious book by a serious thinker, which I must say is a refreshing change in a landscape dominated by demagogues. Will I support everything he says? No. But the thinking here is well worth engaging. Here (I say after having read a chapter and a half) is the core argument: value is based on values.  He sets this up with an argument offered by Pope Francis: Our meal will be accompanied by wine. Now, wine is many things. It has a bouquet, colour and richness of taste that all complement the food. It has alcohol that can enliven the mind. Wine enriches all our senses. At the end of our feast, we will have grappa. Grappa is one thing: alcohol. Grappa is wine distilled. Humanity is many things – passionate, curious, rational, altruistic, creative, self-interested. But the market is one thing: self-interested. The market is humanity distilled. And t...

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